Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse by Ben Templesmith
Here is the full list of all posts in and issues of Comics Squee that are categorized as Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse by Ben Templesmith. Just click on a title, or the 'more' link, to view the show notes and listen.
Saturday, Oct 12 2013
Issue #003: Mel Dale
In Which Our Guest:Mel Dale, creator of Your Cold Felt Heart, joins us to talk about comics… 1) Mind MGMT by Matt Kindt 2) Unbreakable – movie 3) Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse by Ben Templesmith 4) DC Nation’s animated Wonder Woman shorts 5) Question Time: Name 5 Puppet-themed Comic Characters 6) Break with Mini-Squee from Robin Macias 7) What We’re Looking Forward to Next
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