Power Pack by Louise Simonson and June Brigman
Here is the full list of all posts in and issues of Comics Squee that are categorized as Power Pack by Louise Simonson and June Brigman. Just click on a title, or the 'more' link, to view the show notes and listen.
Saturday, Oct 11 2014
Issue #024: Erin Polgree
In Which Our Guest:Erin Polgreen, comics journalist & co-founder of Symbolia, joins us to talk about comics… 1) Hip Hop Family Tree by Ed Piskor 2) Haunter by Sam Alden 3) Power Pack by Louise Simonson & June Brigman 4) Guardians of the Galaxy movie 5) Question Time: What’s your favorite thing you’ve read lately 6) What we’re looking forward to next
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