Area 10 by Christos N. Gage and Chris Samnee
Here is the full list of all posts in and issues of Comics Squee that are categorized as Area 10 by Christos N. Gage and Chris Samnee. Just click on a title, or the 'more' link, to view the show notes and listen.
Saturday, Sep 20 2014
Issue #023: Daniel Wheatfall
In Which Our Guest:Daniel Wheatfall, movie podcaster at Monster Popcorn, joins us to talk about comics… 1) Infinity Gauntlet 2) Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes cartoon 3) Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh 4) Area 10 by Christos N. Gage and Chris Samnee 5) Question Time: What was your favorite comic when you were in school 6) What we’re looking forward to next
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